Posts Tagged ‘radar’

back in the saddle

Posted: 2011/07/14 by evilsilents in Activities
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The urge to yarr is strong.

I’m not by any stretch of the imagination an experienced pirate, but I love Eve for its freedom to do so if and when it tickles my fancy. Since returning to Eve a week or so ago, getting set up to indulge in a bit of yoinking and wormhole raiding has been my focus.

It hasn’t been smooth though. First, Brucey woke up from his six month slumber in a 0.0 outpost (BWF-ZZ) which had, during said slumber, changed hands and was now owned by The Russians TM. He had also been good-naturedly kicked for inactivity (with a standing invite to reapply). Invictus are a great bunch of lads and I love flying with them, but RL won’t permit that sort of commitment at the moment. One day I shall return to the fleet Sabre; but it is not this day.

So with about half a billion in ships and fittings sitting in a station that I had no docking rights at, it was time to hit the market and contracts. I sold everything except for three GSCs of assorted paraphenalia and my Firetail, posted three very generous courier contracts to the nearest hisec, waited for an opportune moment and snuck out the back door. An evening of autopiloting and I had most of my remaining gear back down in my hisec hunting grounds.

Shaz, meanwhile, had been busy buying and fitting a Hound for Bruce as well as a number of Canes, Rifters, Vigils and Cyclones for sharesies; as well as upgrading all of her research agents to L3 for some passable passive income. My 3rd main switched training from a Black Ops to an Orca, though he’s still a month off the hull so I have some time to get settled.

Tuesday night I had half an hour spare so I scanned down my home hisec to see if I could find a wormhole to peek my Hound into. No such luck, but I did find a Radar site and, recent costs being what they were, felt compelled to quickly fit a codebreaker and check out cans. 18M in decryptors for my trouble; not bad at all.

Last night I had a similar short Eve opportunity and headed out in a pretty bog standard Ninja Vigil. Shaz (in her Prowler) scanned down a Domi well off the ecliptic, clearly in a mission. There’s nothing I have that can take out a mission-fit Domi, but I thought at least I’ll get some battleship salvage and maybe goad him into getting Concorded, leaving a tasty fat wreck for picking over. No such luck as he ignored me salvaging the battleship wrecks, even as I helpfully target painted his mission rats. Still, Armour Plates eh? Ship them off to my lab for inventing into highly profitable [redacted].

I need to run with some experienced pirates so I can see how it’s done. This feels like amateur hour.
